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Manchester and Stockport Canal Society

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Its pleasing to be able to start the first page of our web site with a contribution from a veteran of canal restoration whose experience spans over twenty years at the sharp end .

Many waterways in the North West have been restored to their full glory. Indeed in 2001 the then Chief Executive of British Waterways stated that this year has seen the start of a new canal mania rivaling the years of canal construction in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

In the North West notable restoration schemes have included the Huddersfield Narrow Canal, dubbed the Impossible Restoration, and restored from utter dereliction at a cost of £45 million, The Rochdale Canal, The Ribble Link and the Anderton Boat Lift. In Scotland Glasgow was reconnected by water to Edinburgh including the magnificent Falkirk Wheel. New schemes are being actively pursued throughout the UK which will regenerate whole communities in a green way.

Mr David Sumner M.B.E.

The above photo is a screenshot from the superb YouTube video filmed by Stephen Court of  ‘Court Above The Cut’ entitled “The Forgotten Waterway of Manchester and Stockport”.  It shows the short section of water left at the start of the Stockport Branch Canal as it once flowed from Bridge 11A on the Ashton Canal at Clayton, terminating at Lancashire Hill in Stockport.  Please click  here  to watch the video.

The Manchester & Stockport Canal Society has been formed to promote the regeneration of what was the Stockport Arm of the Ashton Canal. It’s aims are to rebuild the line of the canal and restore it to full navigational use for the benefit of local people and visitors.

People living along the line of the canal may ask What’s in it for me?

Okay. Canal restoration has been going on for approximately 40 years.

Known advantages are :-

Simply regenerating the canal brings in money from regeneration grants.

After regeneration of the canal itself the local environment will improve because of the green corridor that is produced.

This green corridor will attract and provide a natural habitat for lost animal and bird populations.

Land and property values generally improve in value by as much as 20%.

Leisure activities such as walking and fishing and boating become possible along the canal line.

Increase in the movement and numbers of people will improve the local economy.

Improvements in the local economy should provide more opportunities for local employment.

To do this we are going to need some support from local communities interested in improving their local environment and canal users who enjoy walking. fishing and boating.

Some of the older local residents will remember the canal when it was in use and appreciate what has been lost. The younger generation will appreciate how improvements in local amenities can enhance their quality of life.

The restoration of the Stockport Branch Canal would be perfect for contributing to East Manchester’s regeneration in particular, as well as bringing benefits to the Reddish area.  This YouTube video from Canal & River Trust illustrates perfectly the benefits of canal restoration.

Please click  here  to view the video.

Help us to do this by joining the society and voicing support for the project whenever possible.

Please visit our  Facebook  page.

For enquiries, please contact one of our officers:-

Chairman:  Roger Bravey;   

Secretary:  Stephen Broadhead;

Does anyone remember when the canal looked like this.